Prophetic mandates for Cheshvan, the eighth month of the Hebrew calendar - Trevor Baker
As we have entered this month of Cheshvan I have a heightened sense of the fragrant Presence of Jesus the Messiah, the Anointed One. He is revealing Himself as the enthroned King to bring justice and release favour,
There are five Messianic Psalms which you should meditate upon during this month which all reveal Messiah, the Anointed One enthroned in His glory: Psalms 2, 24, 45,110, 118.
In Psalm 45 :6-8 there are three aspects of Messiah's authority which will be manifest in this time of overcoming:
♦ The authority of His throne
♦ The authority of His anointing, which will be manifest with joy.
♦ The authority of His robes, the fragrance of His presence.
This is a season when God will bring those things which you thought were dead and buried back into your life. There are ministries, callings and anointings which you feel have died but they are about to be given resurrection life. You are going to have them restored back with resurrection power!
This is the eighth month: eight is the number of victory and new beginnings. The battles and struggles you have been engaged in are about to be turned into victories. Look for the opportunities during this month of NEW BEGINNINGS. There will be a times when the Jesus of the past will manifest in new ways during this month to confirm what He has spoken to you.
It was on the eighth day that He appeared to the disciples on the road to Emmaus. They didn't recognise Him, and He opened up the word to them with fresh revelation. There will be times that Jesus will meet with you during this time so that you gain new understanding regarding the prophetic words you have received. Your eyes will be opened to behold Him in ways that will cause your heart to kindled with renewed passion.
This month is represented by the tribe of Manasseh, and his name interpreted means, "to forget what you have been through". This was the son born to Joseph after he had been brought from the prison to the palace and promoted to a place of authority. This will be a month where you will see the fruit of your deliverance, and you will be promoted into new spheres of influence.
As I write, the road outside the Church at the ARC here in Dudley is being resurfaced, and I sense the Lord saying, I'm going to meet you on a new road that you have walked down many times and meet you in new ways bringing new revelation for the prophetic journey you are on.
This is the time to run through the troops and leap over the walls! See Psalm 18:29.
Isaiah 11 :1-5 declares: The Lord has said I am coming to leap upon the enemy and release the captives. What ever has bound you, defeated you or stood against you is about to be overthrown and removed from you.
Blessings for this month,
Trevor Baker
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